This website was designed to help students understand the field of Podiatry and learn what it takes to become a podiatrist. It is a unique tool and was specifically created with the student in mind by a podiatrist, Adriana Strimbu, DPM. She has traveled this journey, having been in private practice for 19 years, and wants to help students discover their passion for the field of Podiatry. If you are a high school student, college student, or university student and know that you would like to go into the medical field, but are not sure which field, then this website is for you. Or maybe you are confused and don't know which way to go and what to do next. If so, this website is for you as well.
To find out more about the field of Podiatry and/or arrange for a podiatrist to speak at your school, use the Contact form or contact us at
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